Mode C is as much for Calvin as it is for Chaos, as much for Cool as it is for Cold, as much for Class as it is for Crass.

Mode C is a way of life, the Calvin way of life which I am so fascinated by as to keep trying to make it my own way of life. But what exactly is Calvin's way of life, you ask...and I say that there are no clear answers to this one.

I strongly believe, however, that almost all the seriously critical fundamental concepts of life, they are just the bogies under Calvin's bed that he is afraid of. Everyhting else...Miss Wormwood, Susie, Mom and Dad, and of course above all, Hobbes...aren't they all merely the means that he uses to attack these bogies?

It is nothing, therefore, but the perspective of each of these players on the stage of Calvin's dramatic life that helps him fight these bogies and move on in his own unique way...listening to all but doing only what finally makes sense to his own individuality. This is what comes closest, I guess, to the Calvin way of leading one's life...

Saturday, February 12, 2005

Aaj naachenge saari raat...

It has all been happening in style...the string of parties at the hostels, each one with their own modus operandi, each one with their unique value to the outgoing batch of PGP at IIMK. Yes, it is time for them to go, the batch of 2005 at IIMK is ready to leave the campus after two enriching years of education (???), interactions, experiences and learnings (with an extra emphasis on the 'e'). For us juniors, it is time to throw them parties, parties that they are probably going to remember for a long time to come, that they are going to use to click snaps that will be the wallpaper of their machines for quite some days (months?).

Last night was the turn of the G hostel juniors to arrange for the party. With quite a substantial sum collected for the party (probably the biggest of all hostels), the food and drinks flowed without restraint and so did the masti. With the core of the BCA and the Dude group, both centered in the hostel, as also that of the emerging Gandh group, there was a lot of excitement built up before the party...what with status messages ruling the roost and people calling each others' parties names with gay abandon. There were plans to have the Big Fight too...between the BCA and the Dude group...conducted by the Gandh group...novel ideas, really.

What about the music...half an hour before the party was to start, Kashyap (the hostel rep and the party Kingpin) comes to me saying that I have to get the music arranged (what he meant was that I had to sacrifice my laptop and as I later came to know, my speakers and risk them against spirits, rain dances, washing machines, and what not :-)). As the party progressed and almost everyone started taking the DJing role up, I thought that I was ok and free but not for long. With the heads getting higher and lighter and the laptop virtually unattended, I had to don the garbs of the DJ (for the very first time in life).

Believe me, there is nothing else that is as irritating. With all sorts of people having all sorts of request and people getting senti over their songs not being played...even angry at my not having their favorite songs in my playlist, it was a tad difficult...but somehow I endured it all. The best part was when I was already sick of the music and the fundas that Neel and Aaditya were busy giving Mayank and Prashant in one corner of the hall,  but there were still a handful of dancers boogeying away with the music...what that translates into was that I could not leave till they had had their fill.

When we did finally wind up for the day at about 4:30 in the morning, it was still early by party standards for some and Madhok was all willing to dance some more but with no one for company, he saw the light and let me see the bed :-(.

All said and done and with all due cribbing about the DJing over, the party was good fun actually. I don't know how far the rest of the junior gang enjoyed it but with the enthusiastic snap sessions and the once-in-every-ten minutes hugging that was going on, I am sure that the seniors had a gala time (probably not as much due to the party as due to the occasion).

The highlight of course was Mayank stalking Richard like there was no tomorrow and insisting that he dance on 'Babuji zara dheere chalo" with a bottle of beer in his not know for certain but just got a feeling that Mayank had some ideas about what was to follow once Richard started the dancing (which he never really did, of course, apart from shaking a leg here and there) :-) 

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