Wednesday, May 19, 2004
Where do I start???
I don't know if I can spell confusion without confusion, I am so high-strung right now. Sankar (my colleague) called up in the morning to tell me that there might be some duty charged on the laptop that Gomathi (the onsite coordinator for my project) is going to bring for me from the US. The problem is that no one is really sure as to what the reality is. No one knows for sure if there is any duty and even if there is, how much it is. I personally feel that there will be some duty but ultimately, even if I combine the duty with the US price of the laptop, it will still be cheaper than any laptop that I buy in India (even after the bulk rate discount applicable if I buy along with the other IIMK students of my batch)
I need to do so many things and close so many issues before I finally leave Chennai that it has actually started to give me headaches in the middle of the night. I get up, all in sweat (not just due to the humid Chennai climate), and start (or rather continue) thinking about so many things. I still don't know what I will be doing with Abhijeet's stuff that is lying in the flat. I still have to see the doctor regarding Abhijeet's mother. I still have to finalize my travel plans from Chennai (although I have the tickets booked, I haven't heard a word from HR on the release date).
My Delivery Manager (the person who is going to give me the release order) is still in the US and is expected in Chennai only the next week. I need to find out Interior Designing course options for my sister in Pune. I still have to pack my things and make an inventory of all the stuff that I need to dispose off before leaving the flat. I also need to find out a new tenant for the flat who can come over immediately after I leave (so that my house owner pays me back the advance as soon as possible). There are so many things to do and I really don't know where and how to start...
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heyy..... dont get all tensed up... that wouldn't really make things easier, will they??? just carry on , and i am sure everything will get done in due course of time...happens with everyone i guess...
Yeah, it does happen with everyone but somehow, instead of taking that as a consolation, I am still trying to wish away the fact that everyone includes me, too :-)
You are right abt the laptop. Even with all the duties it would be cheaper than the ones you get here. One of my classmates just got a Dell Inspiron from the US through a friend last week and even after duties it turned out much cheaper. moreover you will not get such a configuration in India that easily so, i suggest that you grab the opportunity and buy that laptop. At K it will take 1 month at the least for you to get your laptop. It took our class around 2 months to finally get the laptops.
Thanks for the tip Prithesh. It seems that the duty is 40% and with duty, the latest and best config machine costs around 75K. Do you feel it to be a bargain, even considering the bulk deals that you guys may have struck last time?
The same config costs about 85K in India (I enquired from the HCL delaer in Chennai)
Trust me!! It will be a damn sight cheaper than in India. Moreover the dealer in kozhikode might not have that config so he will have to order it from some other city ( this happened to us) so it adds a couple of thou to the cost. My experience has been to get the best deal possible outside campus than wait till you get to the campus and work out bulk deals. The bulk deals are not as cheap as they make it out to be. My cousin at IIMA bought a Compaq Presario from the open mkt for 77K and i bought the same config in a bulk deal frm campus for 75K and i had to wait an extra 2 months. Hardly worth it.
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